While we certainly have many patients who have traditional dental insurance plans, there is a new method of paying for dental services that is becoming very popular. A Concierge Plan is an in-office plan that helps patients afford their needed dentistry. It is not traditional dental insurance, but rather a “membership plan”, similar to plans like Costco, Amazon Prime, Sam’s Club, etc. For one very affordable annual fee, a patient in our office receives a comprehensive exam for new patients, two professional cleanings and two periodic exams per year, an emergency exam if needed, a full-mouth series of x-rays every five years, one set of bitewing x-rays per year, two fluoride treatments per year if needed and 15% off of any other dental treatment they have done within that year. There is no limit on how much dentistry can be received. We have other plans too for families and for periodontal patients who need more frequent cleanings.
These are obvious benefits for patients who do not have dental insurance. But many people who have dental insurance have found that our in-office Concierge Plan works better for them…less out of pocket expense for many, no yearly cap, no insurance company dictating what treatment they will pay for or which doctor you’re allowed to see. There is no deductible. No Claim forms to submit. No pre-authorizations required. No restrictions for pre-existing conditions. Free consultations. No waiting period. No interference with the doctor-patient relationship. Quite a few advantages over traditional dental insurance…might be worth comparing with your dental insurance plan.
If you, your family or friends need dental care, we would be honored to provide you with state-of-the-art dental care in our modern dental practice. Refer someone you love to someone you trust!
Presented as a service to the community by Doctors Hoover and Yanda,