Q: Any advice on how to handle Halloween with kids?
A: Here are some tips from the American Dental Association to help you and your kids get through Trick-or-Treating with the minimum potential for damage. Have your kids eat their Halloween candy with meals or shortly after mealtime. Mouths produce more saliva during meals and that helps to flush away acids and food particles. Stay away from hard candy and other sweets that will stay in your mouth for a long time. The longer your teeth are in contact with the sugar, the greater the risk for decay. The same holds for sticky candies like taffy and gummy bears which can cling to teeth and take longer to wash away.
Obviously, don’t let your kids stash their haul in their rooms, where they might tend to snack all night. And in general, drinking fluoridated water is a good way to help prevent decay.
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Presented as a service to the community by Doctors Hoover and Yanda,
39 Milford Drive, Hudson, Ohio 44236. 330-650-0360.