Sugar is an enemy to your teeth because when it combines with the filmy plaque that coats your teeth, it creates the acid that can erode enamel and begin tooth decay. Depending on any number of factors, the plaque can remain acidic for up to an hour. After that time, the plaque will begin to return to neutral and the danger will pass.
The amount of sugar you consume may, in the long run, be less significant than the way you consume it. Dessert at the end of a meal, say, followed by a brushing and flossing, minimizes the exposure of teeth to sugar. Consuming sugary products throughout the day, however, can keep your teeth in a bath of sugar. Sucking on a slow-dissolving hard candy, for instance, keeps your teeth in long-term contact with acid. Sugary drinks like soda are even more damaging because they are already very acidic.
Aside from its effect on teeth, sugar consumption contributes to a variety of human health problems, including obesity. Talk with your dentist about how to prevent sugar from being a problem for you.
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Presented as a service to the community by Doctors Hoover and Yanda,
39 Milford Drive, Hudson, Ohio 44236. 330-650-0360. www.drshooverandyanda.com